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The cold months are coming, and your old and unused coats can give warmth to those who need them most.

Are you done packing up all your stuff and found coats you’ll no longer need? Have no place for old coats? A coat that does not fit you anymore? Or a coat that your child has outgrown?

If so, consider donating your spare coats. Join us in our initiative to give comfort and warmth to others.(Our movers collect coats during the Fall months each year.)

share warmth

How to donate?

It’s simple–just leave your coats with us when you move, and we’ll take them to our partner organizations. No extra costs or hustle. (October through December each year.)

Why donate?

Help the less privileged families. While recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, many American families are in poverty. They may not have the coats needed to keep warm this coming winter.

These families include Children and the elderly, who are more susceptible to cold and sick in the chilly months.

Your donated coats will be handed to two social services organizations, Wise Women of the Word and Smart Choices Texas.

Reduce our fashion waste. According to Fibre2Fashion, 85% of the clothes and other textile products in the United States end up in dump sites or incinerators. This means that only 15% is reused or recycled. So share warmth and help lessen and reduce our textile fashion waste.

So share your warmth this coming holiday season–leave your donations with us!

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